Council tenants living on a Maltby estate have expressed their appreciation to Rotherham Council and energy and regeneration experts Equans, for the innovative retrofit of their homes.
130 properties in and around the Maltby area, have been part of a pilot project to install up to four thermal improvement measures including external wall insulation, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and high performance windows and doors. Some properties also received new roofs. The works could save them in excess of £400 in energy costs per year.
Maltby tenant Mrs Russell said: “This whole process has been more than worth it. In previous years I would have had to put my heating on in September, but not now. It’s lovely and warm and I’m already starting to notice a difference in my energy bills, which would have gone up substantially had the work not been carried out.”
Over the last year, Rotherham Council and Equans have been working with tenants to install the improvements, ensuring that their lives were impacted as little as possible throughout the build.
Steve Batty, Director of Sustainability at Equans, commented: “It’s been great to work together on this project, which has transformed the look of the homes, as well as improving their energy efficiency.
“Residents have told us that their homes feel much warmer in cold weather, and also cooler when it’s been hot - we’re so pleased they are already seeing the positive impact of the work that’s been done.”
On a visit to the site, tenants welcomed guests from the Northern Housing Consortium along with Council Leader Cllr Chris Read and Chief Executive Sharon Kemp into their homes to see the improvements.
Chief Executive of Northern Housing Consortium, Tracy Harrison said: “It was fantastic to see the work Rotherham Council has undertaken and to hear the difference it’s already making to people’s lives. The transformation we’ve seen to people’s homes in Maltby will make them warmer, more comfortable to live in and really help to address rising energy bills, which is urgently needed.”
Rotherham Council’s Leader, Cllr Chris Read, said: “This is just one of many ways the Council is looking to provide residents with high quality homes that are more energy efficient and a lower cost to maintain. By working with tenants, we’re ensuring that their needs are met and we work around their commitments – just as any landlord should do.
“The project has been a great success. It also ties in with the Council’s climate change priorities where just last week we pledged to improve the quality of life for everyone in Rotherham, by delivering innovative projects. This is a fantastic first step for the Council, partners and tenants to become carbon neutral.”
Further information about the Council’s housing priorities can be found at www.rotherham.gov.uk/housing.
Information about what the Council and its partners are doing to combat climate change can be found on the Rotherham Together Partnership website
Pictured: Leader of Rotherham Council, Councillor Chris Read, with Rotherham Council Chief Exectutive Sharon Kemp, Councillor Officers and representatives for Equans and the Northern Housing Consortiumum