National Wraparound Childcare Programme

About the National Wraparound Childcare Programme

The programme’s ambition is that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children will be able to access term time flexible childcare which is wrapped around their child’s school day. It must meet the needs of working parents by covering a stretched 10-hour day. This provision can be offered by schools and private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) providers (including childminders and early years settings) and can run on a school site or at another setting in the area.

The principal aim of the programme is to ensure childcare provision is regular, has longer hours and is more dependable for parents.

To support this ambition, startup funding is currently available to support providers to introduce or expand childcare provision on either side of the school day, which parents of primary school-aged children will be able to pay to access.