Harthill with Woodall Parish Council

Harthill with Woodall Parish Council has been in existence since 1892. Harthill itself is mentioned in the Doomsday Book so we know that the Village has been here for over 1000 years. We retain our rural environment and have a population of about 2000. The centre of the Village is our Conservation area containing a number of old buildings, including All Hallow Parish Church, which dates back to the 11th Century. Harthill is a very self-contained Village with 2 pubs and small parade of shops containing Convenience Store, Laundrette, Bakers, Butchers, Hairdressers and Green grocers.

Contact Details


Telephone Number:



Village Hall, Winney Hill, Harthill, Sheffield S26 7YL

01709 528823




Caroline Havenhand


Cllr Joy Pattison - Chair

Cllr Barbara Gundy

Cllr Charmaine Hamer

Cllr Elizabeth Simmonite

Cllr Fiona Radford

Cllr Julien Morley

Cllr Marnie Havard

Cllr Sarah Day

Cllr Stephen Green

To find out more about Harthill with Woodall Parish Councillors including viewing Register of Interests please visit harthillwithwoodall/Councillors