Ravenfield Parish Council

The Council is a local authority. It is a statutory, corporate body and therefore does not have a constitution. For governance purposes it has its own standing orders and financial regulations together with various policies and procedures. The Council serves the community, makes decisions for the benefit of the community, represents the community on other bodies and acts as a pressure group.

The Council is the sole trustee of the Ravenfield Youth Charity and custodial trustee of other local (parochial) charities.

The Council has seven members, its first meeting was held in August 1912 and it has to comply with local government legislation.

Ravenfield is a village to the east of Rotherham Town Centre with a population of 2,400 approx. Within the Parish boundary there are 1,281 residential properties. It is seen as a rural, relatively affluent area and a desirable place to live.

Ravenfield has a high proportion of people aged over 60. Ravenfield dates back to and was named by the Danes and it was mentioned in the Domesday Book created by William the Conqueror. Until the 20th century it remained a small rural settlement. Thereafter it began to grow due in no small way to Silvermoor Colliery which opened in 1905 and was closed in 1995.

The village has a church, St James, which was built in 1756. It also has a primary school. There are a couple of pubs, The Cavalier and The Ravenfield Arms, plus a few shops near to the main crossroads. The Parish Council runs a Parish Hall which is extensively used by many groups and organisations within the village

Contact Details


Telephone Number:



Ravenfield Parish Hall, Birchwood Dr, Ravenfield, Rotherham S65 4PT

07462 468050




Gemma O’Carroll


Cllr Maria Jones - Chair

Cllr Brian Callear

Cllr Dave Rowley – Vice Chair

Cllr Karen Jay

Cllr Rebecca Jupp

Cllr Stephen Lilley

Cllr Patricia Whitworth

To find out more about Ravenfield Parish Councillors please visit ravenfieldparishcouncil/councillors