Thurcroft Parish Council

Thurcroft is a civil parish situated southeast of Rotherham in the Metropolitan Borough of Rotherham in South Yorkshire, England and has easy access to the M18 and M1 Motorway.

The village is surrounded by green belt and farm land. Until the early 20th century, there was no settlement of Thurcroft, only Thurcroft Hall and four farms: New Orchard, Sawn Moor, Green Arbour and Steadfold. The Hall was occupied by one of the owners of the colliery which with the presence of coal was the single most contributing factor to the Parish's development.

Contact Details


Telephone Number:



Gordon Bennet Memorial Hall, Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft, S66 9DD

07462 671 978


Sarah Wilkinson


Cllr Brian Clark - Chair

Cllr Anne Winsborough

Cllr Cath McCartan

Cllr Cath Walker

Cllr Claire Alsop

Cllr Diane Brown

Cllr Diane Oxley

Cllr Helena Bell

Cllr Joseph Richardson

Cllr Martin Wordsworth

Cllr Nichola Ronksley

Cllr Rebecca Butler

Cllr Tommy Murphy

Cllr Viv Burford

To view Thurcroft Parish Councillors register of interest please visit ThurcroftParishCouncil/Councillors