You can search for planning applications and supporting documents on our Fastweb planning system. Turn off any pop-up blockers before you use this.
You can search using the:
- planning application reference (e.g. RB2021/1492)
- address details
- navigation icons above the map
Planning decision notices are also available on the internet.
Use one of the following links, replacing the number with the reference of the decision notice you need.
For notices since 2011
Change the number at the end to suit, you must use a / to separate the year from the application number.
For notices before 2011
Make sure the reference is in the same format. For example, it has ‘X’ before the RB number and ‘.pdf’ on the end. There is also a – rather than a / between the date and application number.
We can email decision notices through, but, there is now a charge for this service.
Search and comment on planning applications
See planning applications on a map (opens in a new window)
View list of planning applications
Viewing applications offline
You can inspect applications between the hours of 8:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday at:
Riverside HouseMain Street
S60 1AE
Most of the application drawings and documents are available to view by using the search facility.