Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan Examination
Mr Christopher Collison BA (Hons), Dip TP, MBA, MRTPI has been appointed as Examiner to conduct the examination of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan and publish a Report with recommendations.
Examination news and documents
Further information will be provided as the examination progresses:
“The Examiner has written to Rotherham Borough Council and Wickersley Parish Council setting out how the examination will be conducted. The letter is available below.”
Letter from the examiner (30th November 2021)
“Wickersley Parish Council has prepared a statement proposing amendment of Policy GS2 Local Green Space with regard to the boundary of Wickersley Park. The statement and amended boundary can be viewed below. The Examiner is providing any interested party with an opportunity to comment on this proposed amendment of Policy GS2 Local Green Space. Any comments should be marked for the Examiner’s attention and emailed to planning.policy@rotherham.gov.uk or posted to Planning Policy, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Riverside House, Main Street, Rotherham S60 1AE. Any comments, or request for additional time to comment, should be submitted no later than Noon on Wednesday 22 December 2021. The Examiner will consider the proposed amendment, and any comments received, as part of the Independent Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.”
Wickersley Parish Council Statement on Local Green Space
Amended boundary of Local Green Space Wickersley Park
Seven Trent Water LGS comments
The Examiner has provided Wickersley Parish Council with an opportunity to comment on the Regulation 16 representations of all other parties including those of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. The Parish Council has provided comments below, which have been forwarded to the Examiner
Wickersley Parish Council comments on Reg16 representations
The Examiner has written to Rotherham Borough Council and Wickersley Parish Council requesting clarification on a number of matters. The letter is available below.
Letter from the examiner (14 December)
Letter from Wickersley Parish Council (22 December)
The responses to the examiners request for clarification from Rotherham Borough Council and Wickersley Parish Council are available below:
Wickersley Parish Council response
Rotherham Borough Council response (11 January 2022)
20 January 2022: the Examiner has produced his final report and concluded his examination on the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan. The Council will now consider the report.
Report of the Independent Examination (PDF, 1.02MB)
Submission of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan
Wickersley Parish Council ('the qualifying body') submitted its draft Neighbourhood Development Plan to Rotherham Borough Council on 28 May 2021. The submission documents can be viewed below.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents
- Draft Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan (including a map of the area to which the plan relates)
- Statement of consultation
- Basic conditions statement
- Plan appendix
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) & Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) determination statement
- Design code
Rotherham Borough Council undertook consultation on the submission documents (as required by Regulation 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)) between 10 September to 25 October 2021. A statement of representations procedure was published setting out the documents submitted by the qualifying body, where they could be inspected, and how comments could be submitted.
The representations received are:
- WNP1 Mr Paul Pickering
- WNP3 Mr Mark Orsborn
- WNP6 Health and Safety Executive
- WNP7 Sport England
- WNP8 Highways England
- WNP10 Mr Michael Warner
- WNP12 Mrs Natalie Dickman
- WNP14 Severn Trent
- WPN14 additional attachment
- WNP15 Coal Authority
- WNP15 additional attachment
- WNP16 Warde-Aldam Estate
- WNP16 additional attachment
- WNP17 Wildlife Trust for Sheffield and Rotherham
- WNP18 National Grid
- WNP18 additional attachment
- WNP19 Mr James Langler
- WNP19 additional attachment
- WNP20 Environment Agency
- WNP21 Mr Bob Walsh
- WPN22 additional attachment
- WNP23 additional attachment
- WNP24 additional attachment