The Council’s Community Protection Team monitor standards in the private sector housing, this included privately rented properties, Housing Association properties and owner occupied properties. The team uphold and enforce the standards contained in the Housing Act 2004 and other property and public health related legislation. The team try hard to work with landlords, owners and tenants and only use enforcement in line with the Council’s Enforcement Policy.
Where enforcement is used there are a number of levels of enforcement and enforcement tools available from initial conversations and informal letters to court actions and Banning Orders to remove criminal landlords from operating. They tools used depend on a number of things including the severity of the issue, level of co-operations etc. as described in the Enforcement Policy. Each case is taken on its own merits.
Delegated Authority
Officers carrying out enforcement functions have been authorised by the council in accordance with the Council’s scheme of Delegation. Each officer within Community Protection will carry an identification card.