What is a pavement licence?
Pavement consents are aimed at offering the public the chance to eat and or drink outside facilities.
A pavement licence allows control of these areas of the highway to ensure the use of tables and chairs outside does not have any detrimental effect on the area and that the rights of all users are protected. for example, to ensure pushchair and wheelchair access remains clear at all times.
The pavement licence can be a means of adding vitality and life to areas, helping to maximise the use of our public spaces and offer a range of facilities for people who live, work within the Rotherham area.
Pavement licences are aimed at providing discreet outdoor areas for cafe style food lead cafes or licenced premises. where customers offered the chance to purchase both and drink and any alcohol sales are incidental to the food service.
The grant of any consent to use the Council's land for this purpose is considered on its own merits and is discretionary.
Pavement licences will not normally be considered if:
- the premise already has an outdoor area for this use
- the premise is a late night takeaway
- the placing of tables and chairs would create width restrictions or obstructions
- the pedestrian footfall is heavy
- emergency access is required at all times
- it would result in public health or nuisance issues
- the area cannot be supervised appropriately or waiter or waitress service cannot be provided
- the proximity to residential properties would create concerns
- the premises is in a hotspot area in the night-time economy
All applications will be considered on their own merits however the grant of any consent is discretionary.
Full details of all the requirements can be found in the current pavement licence process which is available to view using the link below