Grass and verges maintenance schedule

Grass cutting

Grass cutting starts in March and continues, weather dependent, until the beginning of October.

Site Frequency
Parks Cut every 3 weeks during the growing season
Clifton park Cut weekly during the growing season
Housing - grassed area near to rented properties Cut up to 10 occasions – approximately once every 3.5 weeks
Council owned aged person complexes Cut on 15 occasions – approximately once every 2 weeks
Highways - grassed areas alongside roads Cut up to 10 occasions – approximately once every 3.5 weeks
Grassed areas / verges alongside dual carriageways   Cut up to 10 occasions – approximately once every 3.5 weeks
Wildflower sites Prepared/Planted in April/May and cut in September
Central reservations - Hellaby to Rotherham town centre - A630 and A631 - Wildflower areas Wildflower planted in April, visibility splays cut in July and full cut in November
Grassed banks / sloped areas  Cut every six weeks during the growing season
Rural verges A single metre wide strip cut on rural routes April to October with visibility sight lines cut on six occasions 

Report a verge or planted area needing maintenance