Highways Asset Management

Our Strategy

We aim to deliver highway services to achieve its long-term corporate priorities effectively. 
Keeping our highways well managed and maintained means we can keep people and goods moving and provide a resilient network supporting productivity and ecomonic growth.

Our main goal is to keep our roads and footways in a safe condition and to national standard. Resources will be prioritised and targeted to achieve the most value for money according to these principles.

The Strategy outlines the Council’s approach to managing highway infrastructure and how it will be achieved through:

  • A clear understanding of the extent and condition of the highway infrastructure
  • A clear methodology for linking strategic objectives and priorities with levels of service
  • A better ability to predict the levels of funding required to deliver desired levels of service and the potential impact of funding constraints
  • A better understanding of risk and how it can be mitigated
  • A consistency of approach which assists in managing the expectations and experience of service users

View our full Strategy

View our communications strategy