Site Selected
It is proposed that this scheme will look to make improvements to the area surrounding the shops on Main Street in Catcliffe.
Current Site Issues
It is considered that the area selected would benefit from general upgrades to the public realm to improve the overall appearance for local residents, businesses and visitors to the area.
The below map indicates the site area and highlights some of the potential interventions that could be carried out through the Towns and Villages Fund. This has been developed to assist pre-design consultation and we welcome any feedback on this or alternative ideas for the scheme in this area.
It is considered that the area in front of the shops would benefit from public realm improvements. This could include replacing the existing bollards or considering alternative measures to prevent vehicles parking on the footway. Upgrading of the footway surface could also be considered as well as reinstating road markings.
In the wider area, we could consider interventions such as the provision of wayfinding signage to local sites of interest, the provision of additional bins. We could also consider locations for providing new seating. Opportunities for planters, bulb planting or shrub planting to verges could also be looked at, to create a more pleasant environment.

The proposed scheme is in a period of community consultation, with face to face consultation planned as well as consultation through social media channels.
We are keen to hear ideas from local residents and stakeholders.
Should you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on the proposal please forward these by email to or contact your Local Neighbourhoods Team (details below).
All feedback received from the consultation will be collated, considered and incorporated into a concept design, which will go through a further round of consultation.
Scheme Progress and Next Steps
It is hoped that work will start on site early 2024.
For further information on this scheme please contact the Neighbourhoods team:
Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Mandy Ardron
Telephone: 01709 254325
Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Andrea Peers
Telephone: 07717 450973