Brinsworth Academy
Brinsworth Academy is a secondary school and sixth form in Rotherham providing education for 11-18 year olds. It is a member of the LEAP Multi Academy Trust. The trust currently comprises of two secondary schools: Brinsworth Academy and Dinnington High School.
Achieving Excellence is the overiding ambition of the LEAP Multi Academy Trust. We place students at the centre of everything we do, creating a culture of success and a love of learning which enhances students' achievement and their personal,social and emotional development.
Our aim to achieve excellence drives policy,practice and governance.Professional excellence at all levels underpins our approach. A high quality educational experience is an entitlement for every student;it is an absolute priority that everyone, irrespective of their starting point,succeeds and achieves.Further information about the Academy can be found on our website and in the School Prospectus.School open evenings are also held on a regular basis.
If you wish for your child to attend Brinsworth Academy you will need to apply formally for a place at Brinsworth Academy.These guidance notes explain how you can apply for a place and how your application will be handled.
Brinsworth Academy is its own admission authority. We are responsible for our own admission arrangements and the admission policy and procedures are approved annually by the Academy Trust.Brinsworth Academy is situated within the Rotherham Local Authority and the Trust has agreed to co-ordinate school admission with the local authority.What this means is that you apply directly to the Local Authority for a school place at Brinsworth.Your application is forwarded to the Brinsworth Academy who make the decision on the offer of a school place.
The Rotherham Authority co-ordinates school admissions for both admissions into Year 7 and in-year applications. Parents/carers will receive a letter from RMBC about transfer to secondary education, including an opportunity to request the preferred school. On-line application is available from the RMBC website as well as telephone and email applications information on the co-ordinated scheme and Rotherham School booklet is available as a download or from the RMBC website.
Our admission arrangements, which are determined annually are published on the Academy website.A copy is also provided to the Local Authority for publication in the Secondary School composite booklet. Our admission arrangements are determined each year by the 28th February and are published on Brinsworth Academy Website by the 15th March
Admissions Criteria for Brinsworth Academy and planned admissions number
You should read the following information before submitting a request for a place at Brinsworth Academy
Planned Admission Number. Pupil transfer to secondary school into Year 7 , this is called the relevant year group.Every Academy/School has to set a limit on the number of pupils that can be admitted each year. This is called the planned admission number. The planned admission number is set annually by the Academy Trust and is the maximum number of pupils that can be admitted to Year 7. The planned admission number for September 2024, approved by the Academy Trust is 270.
Ranking - Places at Brinsworth Academy are allocated according to the admission criteria detailed below. No account is taken of the ranking of the preference.The Academy will consider all preferences equally.
Children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Children with an EHCP that names Brinsworth Academy in the final plan will be admitted to the Academy. The majority of children with special educational needs will not require an Education Health and Care Plan. Applications for children who have special educational needs, but no plan. will be considered on the basis of the academy's published admissions criteria.
Oversubscription - If the School recieves fewer application than places avaliable then all pupils will be admitted.If there are more applications than places avaliable they will be allocated up to the admission number in the following order of priority:
- Relevant Looked after Children and previously Looked after Children.(see note (d) for definition in notes below)
- Children who,on the 30th November of 2023, have a specific medical reason, confirmed by a medical practitioner,which the Academy is satisfied makes attendance essential. Full supporting information should be provided with their application.
- Children who, on the 30th November of 2023, have a compelling social reason which the Academy is satisfied makes attendance essential. The kind of overriding social reasons which could be accepted are where there is evidence that the children's education would be seriously impaired if he or she did not attend the School. Full supporting information should be provided with their application.
Please note: Very few cases are agreed annually on medical or social grounds. - Children who, on 30th November of 2023, live in the catchment area of the Academy and it is expected will have an older brother or sister on roll in Year 8-11 at the start of the academic year in which they start the Academy. A copy of the Academy's catchment area is available on the school website.[see notes (a) and (b) below].
- Children who, on 30th November of 2023, live in the catchment area of the Academy, A copy of the Academy's catchment area is available on the school website. [See notes (a) and (b) below].
- Children who, on 30th November of 2023 it is expected will have an older brother or sister on the roll of the Academy in Years 8-11 at the start of the academic year in which they start Academy [see note (c) below].
- Children who, on the 30th November of 2023, are on the roll of one of the associated primary schools:
The associated primary schools are -Brinsworth Howarth,Brinsworth Academy from Tinsley Primary School,In Sheffield, the school is not an associated primary school - Children who , on 30th November of 2023, live nearest to Academy measured by a straight line on a horizontal plane, (commonly known as measurement "as the crow flies"). The measurement is determined by a Geographical Information System, which is based on Ordnance Survey.
- Live/living - This means that a child is habitually and normally resident at an address for a settled purpose which is not solely to receive education. You may be required to provide proof of residency e.g. Council Tax bill, Residence Order, etc. The child's ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be the residential property at which the child normally and habitually resides,with the person(s) having parental responsibility, at the closing date for the receipt of the completed Common Application Form. Where residency is split equally between two people with parental responsibility the child's ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be with the person who received Child Benefit on the 30th November 2023. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child's ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child normally and habitually resides for the greater part of the week including weekends,not soley for the purpose of receiving education. Places will be allocated based on your residential address on 30th November 2023. Therefore, you must notify RMBC's Admissions Team in writing if you change address before this date. You may be asked to provide proof of residence (e.g utility/council tax bill). Documentary evidence of ownership or rental agreement may be required together with proof of actual permanent residency at the property concerned.
- Siblings - For a child to be considered a sibling, one of the following conditions must exist (you may be asked to provide proof e.g. Birth Certificate and proof of residence):
- Brother/sister to be permanently resident at the same address
- Stepbrother/stepsister to be permanently resident at the same address
- Half-brother/half-sister to be permanently resident at the same address
- Brother/sister who do not live at the same residence but, who share the same parents
- Child of the parent/carer’s partner to be permanently resident at the same address
- Adopted brother/sister permanently resident at the same address
- Older Siblings - Children with an older brother or sister on the roll of the Academy will be considered as having a sibling if the older child is in Y11 or Y12 on the 30 November of Year 6. Parents/carers of children resident in Rotherham who are entering their last year of primary education should receive a letter from their child’s primary school setting out RMBC’s arrangements for the admission of children into secondary school.
- Looked after Children - A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. All previously looked after children, (or who became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Multiple births - Where applications are received for twins, triplets, siblings born in the same academic year etc. these will be treated equally as there is nothing within the admission criteria to distinguish between them.
- Tie break - Where the admission number is likely to be reached mid category, priority will be given to those children who, on 30 November 2023, live nearest to the school measured by a straight line on a horizontal plane (commonly known as measurement, LEAP Admissions Policy 24-25 6 “as the crow flies”). The measurement is determined by a Geographical Information System, which is based on Ordnance Survey information. In the event of distances being the same for two or more children where this would determine the last place to be allocated, random allocation will be carried out and supervised by a person independent of the school. All the names will be entered into a hat and the required number of names will be drawn out.
- Children of UK service personnel (UK Armed Forces) – For families of service personnel with a confirmed posting to their area, or crown servants returning from overseas to live in that area, the Academy will allocate a place in advance of the family arriving in the area provided the application is accompanied by an official letter that declares a relocation date and a Unit postal address or quartering area address. When considering the application against their oversubscription criteria, we will accept a Unit postal address or quartering area address for a service child
- Waiting List - In addition to their right of appeal, unsuccessful children will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained in order of the oversubscription criteria set out above and noting the order in which applications are received or added to the list. Waiting lists for admission to Year 7 will operate until 31st December 2024. Under the co-ordinate scheme the LA maintains the list and advise the Academy of any places that need to be allocated.
- Admission of children outside their normal age group - A request may be made for a child to be admitted outside their normal age group, for example if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health. Any such request should be made in writing to: Local Authority admissions team at the same time as the admission application is made. The School Trust will make its decision about the request based on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child
- Sixth Form - The admissions policy and arrangements for the sixth form admissions are the responsibility of the Academy Trust. The published admission number for the 6th Form for admission in September 2024 is 25 The Admission number refers only to applicants who have not previously attended the school. All students who have attended the school until the end of Year 11 are automatically admitted providing they meet the minimum entry requirements. . Parents who wish their child to attend the sixth form at the end of Year 11 should contact Brinsworth Academy directly for information and advice. Advice is available on the Sixth Form section of the Brinsworth Academy website.
Allocation of school places and Notifications to parents
The Academy is part of the co-ordinated scheme and all offers of a school place will be made by the Rotherham Local Education Authority. In March prior to the September start parents/carers will receive a letter offering a place at the catchment area school or other school if you have indicated a parental preference and there is a place available .Brinsworth Academy will contact parents/carers and explain arrangements for enrolment. If parents/carers are not satisfied with the place offered, the letter sets out the appeal process.
In-Year Transfers
You should read the following information before submitting a request for a transfer of School/Academy
- What is an in-year application? An in-year application is for children requiring a school place during the academic year rather than at the usual transfer time to school.You are advised to contact your child's current Head Teacher to discuss your intention to apply for another School/Academy place before applying for a school transfer. Please do not apply direct to Brinsworth Academy. Forms and on-line application is available via the LA admissions website. Completed application forms should be returned to the Rotherham School Admissions Team who will forward it to Brinsworth Academy. If there is more than one child on your application form each child will be considered on an individual basis. If a child is offered a place in a school, it does not guarantee a place at that school for any other child in the family.If you are not moving to a new house but wish your child to transfer school, please complete the in-year school transfer form. We may contact your child’s current school on receipt of your application for up-to date information on your child’s academic record, attendance and any special needs they may have to assist with the transfer.Until the transfer arrangements have been approved it is expected that your child will continue to attend their present school.
- Consideration of in-year transfers Admissions will normally be agreed up to the published admission number (PAN) which applied for the normal year (Year 7) of intake or the current admission number (CAN). The current admission number is the maximum number of pupil we can accommodate in each year group based on the class organisation and size within the school for each academic year.
- Admission Numbers The published admission number for admission into Year 7 in September 2023 is 270. The current admission number for the older year groups is:Year 8 - 245, Year 9 - 255, Year 10 - 245, Year 11 – 280 Parents may wish to contact the Academy, before submitting an application, to check on the availability of places.Note The Admissions Code 2021 allows, under Section 3.10, an admission authority to refuse admission for a pupil with challenging behaviour and to refer the child to the Local Authority Fair Access Panel. This provision can only be used where the school has a high proportion of either other children with challenging behaviour or previously excluded pupils and it considers admitting the pupil would prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources.
- Applying for a place in year 10 or year 11 Performance and level of achievement/attainment are adversely affected each time a child experiences a transfer to a new school. Avoidable and unnecessary changes should be carefully considered and parents need to be aware of the consequence of moving schools in key groups such as year 10 and year 11.It may be difficult to offer courses compatible with your previous school. However, schools/academies are not able to refuse to admit children because they followed a different curriculum at their previous school.
- Application Forms You can submit your application by completing an in-year school transfer form. Forms are available from the Rotherham School Admissions team. Alternatively applications can be made on-line or via telephone direct to the Rotherham School Admissions Team 01709 823777 (or see website information below). Or contact Rotherham Contact Centre on 01709 382121.
- Moving to a new address If you are moving, please apply in advance of your move to reduce the risk of your child being out of school while your application is processed. You will need to provide details of your new address and when you intend to move. You will be asked for proof of your new address.
- Timescales The Rotherham School Admissions Team will record all in-year transfer applications and will forward your application via secure email to your preferred school for consideration.We aim to respond within 10 school days to your request to transfer school. We are however, required to respond to all in-year transfer requests within a maximum of 15 school days from date of receipt of the application.Parents will receive a letter in writing confirm the outcome of their application. Where it is not possible to offer a school/academy place parents will be informed of their ‘Right of Appeal’ and advised how to make an appeal. The Rotherham Local Authority has established an independent Appeals Panel to hear such appeals. If you wish to appeal you must do so within 20 school days of receipt of your refusal letter. Appeal forms and guidance notes are available from the Rotherham School Admissions Team It is not possible to process any applications during school holidays and your application will be considered as soon as the Academy re-opens. You can apply up to one term in advance of the date when you would like your child to start at the preferred school. Parents seeking a transfer of school in the following September can apply from the 1st May onwards. Any application for admission in the following September which is received prior to this date will be put on hold and considered as having been received on 1st May.