Children Missing Education (CME) Policy

This policy outlines the responsibilities and procedures for identifying, tracking, and supporting children missing education (CME) in Rotherham. It is based on statutory guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) and aims to ensure all children receive suitable education.

Key Principles

  • Legal Duty: Under section 436A of the Education Act 1996, local authorities must identify children missing education.
  • Entitlement: All children are entitled to a full-time education suitable to their age, ability, and any special educational needs.
  • Risks: Children missing education are at risk of underachieving, harm, exploitation, and becoming NEET (not in education, employment, or training).

Information Sharing

Effective information sharing between parents, schools, and local authorities is crucial. Local authorities should intervene early to prevent poor outcomes for vulnerable children.


  • Children Missing Education: Children of compulsory school age not registered at a school and not receiving suitable education otherwise.
  • Compulsory School Age: From the term after a child’s fifth birthday until the last Friday in June of the school year they turn sixteen.


  • Local Authority (LA): Holds the statutory duty for CME and works with partner agencies to support affected children.
  • Schools: Must notify the LA of children added or removed from the school roll within specific timeframes.


  • Admissions: Schools must be proactive in engaging parents to ensure children are admitted to the school roll.
  • Referrals: Schools should refer cases to the CME team if parents fail to ensure admission or if children are absent without reasonable cause.

Forms and Documentation

  • Appendix A: Request to remove a child from the school roll.
  • Appendix B: Notice of removal/leaver declaration.
  • Appendix C: Procedures for following up on school admissions.
  • Appendix D: Contact information for the CME Monitoring Officer.

Working with Stakeholders

The LA collaborates with various stakeholders, including the police, health services, and voluntary organizations, to ensure positive outcomes for children and young people.

Relevant Legislation

  • Education Act 1996
  • Children Act 1989 and 2004
  • Statutory guidance for local authorities: Children missing education (2016)
  • Working Together to Improve School Attendance (2024)

Read the full Children Missing Education (CME) Policy