Site Selected
It is proposed that this scheme will make public realm improvements to the shopping area around Stag roundabout. Landscaping improvements could also be considered on Worrygoose roundabout.
Current Site Issues
The area around the Stag roundabout is a busy shopping area, benefitting from a range of shops and facilities. It is considered that the area would benefit from general upgrades to the public realm to improve the overall appearance for local residents, businesses, visitors and people passing through the area.
The green spaces of the Stag and Worrygoose roundabouts are an asset to the local area, but it is considered that improvements could uplift the appearance of these spaces.
The below map indicates the site area and highlights some of the potential interventions that could be carried out through the Towns and Villages Fund. This has been developed to assist pre-design consultation and we welcome any feedback on this or alternative ideas for the scheme in this area.
For the shopping area, we could consider upgrading footway surfacing, replacement of dated street furniture and renewal of road markings. Improvements to street lighting, additional litter bins and the provision of a seating area could also be considered.
Improvements to the appearance of the roundabouts could include shrub planting, bulb planting and the potentially some form of public art or sculpture.

Scheme Progress and Next Steps
The proposal is in a period of community consultation. Face to face and postal consultation will be carried out with local businesses and residents.
We are keen to hear ideas from local residents and stakeholders.
Should you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on the proposal please forward these by email to or contact your Neighbourhoods Team (details below).
All feedback received during the consultation will be collated, considered and incorporated into a concept design, which will go through a further round of consultation.
The scheme is ongoing with works starting on site. It is expected that the scheme will be delivered by June.
For further information on this scheme please contact the Local Neighbourhoods Team:
Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Sophie Beresford
Telephone: 07920 285529
Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Shaun Mirfield
Telephone: 01709 255041