Corporate Debt Policy

Corporate Debt Policy

The Council is committed to treating its people and businesses fairly while collecting income due to it. The Strategic Director for Finance & Customer Services has responsibility under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 for the administration of the financial affairs of the Council. One such area of administration relates to the collection of monies due to the Council.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council is required to collect monies from its people and businesses for a variety of reasons. It is inevitable that the Council will be required to pursue the recovery of arrears from persons and businesses that might have difficulty in paying some outstanding accounts. An agreed policy of how the Council manages and collects debts is vital in ensuring consistency and fairness in such situations.

The objectives of the Council’s Policy on debt collection are:

  • To maximise debt collection, ensuring that all income is collected and available to fund the delivery of services to the people and businesses of Rotherham.
  • To ensure people and businesses are provided the information and opportunity to claim any reductions they are entitled to, in order to ensure that they are charged the correct amounts they are liable for.
  • To ensure the Council supports vulnerable people and businesses to manage their financial affairs effectively, including the payment of debt to the Council.
  • To ensure that the protocols governing the use of Enforcement and Debt Collection Agents and all other statutory bodies, including the Courts, are clearly set out and available to all who need to access them.

The Policy covers all debts owed to the Council and states the over-riding principles that apply to each area of debt collection. A suite of supplementary frameworks supports the Policy and explains the approach and procedures of each of the areas of Housing Rents, Parking Charges, Council Tax, Business Rates, Sundry Accounts, Housing Benefit Overpayments and Social Care Client Contributions.

Some people and businesses might have multiple debts with the Council. The Policy explains how the income collection services will work together in relevant cases to ensure that a coordinated, consistent, and fair approach is adopted to the recovery of multiple debts. The Policy also explains the circumstances under which the Council will use Enforcement or Debt Collection Agents to help recover debt.

The Council recognises that some people and businesses might have difficulty in making some payments, and that those who are vulnerable may need help managing their affairs. The Council will ensure that people and businesses are offered as much support as possible to be able to meet all their financial liabilities.

Read more about the Corporate debt policy and frameworks