Council Plan - One Council

Performance measures

Ref Key performance indicators Good is Target 2022/23
OC01 Proportion of complaints closed within timescales High 85%
OC02a Satisfaction:
a) The proportion of residents who feel that the Council keeps them informed
High Greater than 50%
OC02b b) To what extent do you think that the Council acts on the concerns of local residents High Greater than 48%
OC03 Average customer wait time to corporate contact centre Low 4 minutes (Quarterly target)
OC04 Number of council working days lost to sickness per full time equivalent post Low 10.3 days 
OC05 The proportion of completed annual staff performance development reviews  High  95%
OC06a Diverse workforce:
a) Overall proportion of disabled employees 
Representative of the borough  Maintain 9% or above 
OC06b b) Overall proportion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employees Representative of the borough  

5.4% (2023-24)

6.3% (2024-25)

OC06c c) Proportion of workforce under 25   Representative of the borough  

3.8% (2023-24)

4.6% (2024-25)

OC07a Council tax and business rates collected:
a) Proportion of Council Tax collected in the current financial year compared with other Met Councils 
High Top quartile metropolitan authorities 
OC07b b) Proportion of business rates collected in the current financial year compared with other Met Councils   High Top quartile metropolitan authorities 


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