Council Plan theme - A cleaner, greener local environment

Performance measures

Ref Key performance indicators Good is Target 2022/23
EN01a Fly tipping and enviromental crime:
a) Effective enforcement actions; fly-tipping
High 60
EN01b b) Effective enforcement actions;  other environmental crime High 1,500
EN02 Proportion of waste sent for reuse (recycling and composting) High 45%
EN03 Number of street cleaning, grounds maintenance and waste official complaints Low 190 cumulative for year in the number of official complaints received

Overall Carbon dioxide emission levels for the Council:a) Operational Property Portfolio Decarbonisation, Solar PV and other Energy Generation, Street Lighting

Low 10% reduction by 2024

Overall Carbon dioxide emission levels for the Council: b) Corporate Fleet, Grey Fleet, EV Charging Infrastructure

Low 10% reduction by 2024

Number of trees planted by the Council:

a) Number of hectares of land for woodland creation
High a) 5 Hectares b) 500 Trees
EN06 Proportion of council housing with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rated C and above High 50%


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