Performance measures
Ref | Key performance indicators | Good is | Target 2022/23 |
EN01a | Fly tipping and enviromental crime: a) Effective enforcement actions; fly-tipping |
High | 60 |
EN01b | b) Effective enforcement actions; other environmental crime | High | 1,500 |
EN02 | Proportion of waste sent for reuse (recycling and composting) | High | 45% |
EN03 | Number of street cleaning, grounds maintenance and waste official complaints | Low | 190 cumulative for year in the number of official complaints received |
EN04a |
Overall Carbon dioxide emission levels for the Council:a) Operational Property Portfolio Decarbonisation, Solar PV and other Energy Generation, Street Lighting |
Low | 10% reduction by 2024 |
EN04b |
Overall Carbon dioxide emission levels for the Council: b) Corporate Fleet, Grey Fleet, EV Charging Infrastructure |
Low | 10% reduction by 2024 |
EN05 |
Number of trees planted by the Council: a) Number of hectares of land for woodland creation |
High | a) 5 Hectares b) 500 Trees |
EN06 | Proportion of council housing with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rated C and above | High | 50% |