Making sure tenants are at the heart of everything we do!
Your Council want all our tenants to feel valued, that their voice is heard and that services can be shaped to meet their needs.
By working together with the Tenant Engagement team, you'll influence the future of housing services and council homes, helping to make your neighbourhoods cleaner and safer places to live. You will also be able to have a say on how money is spent in your local area.
All our pages are interactive and will allow you to:
- Register your interest in joining in with our opportunities
- Suggest topics for our panel to discuss
- Comment on our performance
- Leave feedback on our services.

Get Involved
There are lots of ways that you can get involved, from joining our estate walkabouts to taking part in our tenant engagement events and panels.
You can also take part digitally by joining our screen team who review our communications with tenants and suggest ways that we can improve.
Your Community
We work in partnership with RotherFed to deliver our existing engagement opportunities and RotherFed organise lots of fantastic activities in your communities too.
We also work closely with the neighbourhood's teams to provide local news and give you a say in your community.
Housing news
Have a look at our news and events section to access the latest housing news and find out what events we have coming up over the next few months.
Our events include the Tenants Open Day, Gardening Competition, and the Rotherham show, which are all hosted annually.
Tenants making a difference
Our tenants make a huge difference to housing services and we want to celebrate your impact.
Here you will be able to see some of the things our tenants have been doing to improve housing services and make a difference in their communities.
View our current performance
In this section you'll be able to read our tenant satisfaction measures results and housing annual reports.
Tenant engagement in Rotherham
In this section you'll be able to view our governance structure and how our panels fit in, and see how we're working within our Tenant Engagement Framework.
TPAS Exemplar Status
Tpas promote, support and champion tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England, and we received the accolade for our continued commitment to making sure tenant's voices are heard.

Get in Touch
You can use the web form that there is a link to on the right of the screen to get in touch with the Tenant Engagement Team about anything related to getting involved and tenant engagement.
You can also call 01709 822100 and ask for a member of the Tenant Engagement Team.