Children and Families: Make a referral to the Rotherham Enhanced Action for Dyslexia (READ)

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Please use this form to make a referral to the Rotherham Enhanced Action for Dyslexia (READ) service.

Before completing this form it is important that the school understands that there is a termly fee for this specialist support that is to be made via Trade Rotherham

Consent from parent / carer must be provided. By completing this form you are confirming that Parent/ Carer consent has been provided and a signed copy of this agreement is held on the school file.

Please have all the pupil's information such as year group, age, and any medical information to hand before starting this form.

Please have the Information in Support of READ Referral document filled in and available to upload into the form. You will also need to upload the following documentation in support of this application

Plan / timetable - to show current support including times and ratios

Special educational needs (SEN) Support Plans, Individualized Educational Plan (IEPs) or Learning support plans (LSPs) - reflecting targeted interventions with review notes

Piece of independent writing - annotated to give context

Scribed piece of work - scribed by an adult that has been verbally dictated by the child

Copies of SI Team reports and or any other specialist service (where applicable)