- Fund4Hope Application form
- General Data Protection Regulation enquiry
- Get involved with leasehold services
- Householder Development Enquiry
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Deductions reduction request
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Offer of payment
- Invite the Mayor
- Key Choices Overcrowding/Under Occupying
- Land and property enquiry
- Legal Services annual satisfaction survey
- Leisure and Culture: Request or suggest items for Rotherham libraries to buy
- Love Where You Live Volunteer application
- Macmillan Call Back
- Make a biological records report or enquiry
- Make a child employment or performance enquiry
- Make a Community Justice enquiry
- Make a Council Home Furnishing Enquiry
- Make a Families for Change enquiry
- Make a Garden House wedding reception enquiry
- Make a Heritage Learning booking enquiry
- Make a highway search enquiry
- Make a householder planning enquiry
- Make a housing development enquiry
- Make a land charges enquiry
- Make a Market Trader Enquiry
- Make a Money Advice enquiry
- Make a purchasing enquiry
- Make a Rotherham Show Enquiry
- Make a Shared Lives enquiry
- Make a sports activity enquiry
- Make a town centre enquiry
- Make a Virtual School enquiry
- Make an apprenticeship or training enquiry
- Make an enquiry about Council property or land
- New library member customer survey
- Organise a community clean up or litter pick
- Photography, Recording and Filming Consent
- Planning and development: Provide feedback or make a suggestion to the Community Energy Team
- Planning Policy Team message
- Print approval process
- Referral to hearing impairment team
- Register your interest in personal budgets and independent travel training
- Report a benefits change of address
- Report a change of address for Council Tax - Moving into Rotherham
- Report a change of address for Council Tax - Moving out of Rotherham
- Report a change of address for Council Tax - Moving within Rotherham
- Report a food safety issue
- Report a Health and Safety Issue
- Report a problem with a bridge, subway or retaining wall
- Report a problem with a communal bin or bin area