Carers' Forums

This page provides information about the carers' forums that you can be involved with in Rotherham.

The forums have two roles: they offer support and a social space for carers and represent the carers' voice in Rotherham.

Rotherham Carers Forum

An independent group where informal family or friend carers (unwaged) have a voice in shaping services in Rotherham.

They represent the voice of unpaid carers living in the Rotherham Borough. They represent carers in Council meetings and those that shape local services, ensuring that the carers' voice is heard.

Visit the Rotherham Carers Forum website

Rotherham Parent Carers Forum

The parent carers forum works with those who provide services for disabled children and their families.

The forum aims to:

  • be a united voice by providing a forum for views
  • work in partnership with those who provide services
  • gather information from parents and carers, and show common problems
  • find out what support/services children and families need
  • provide examples of good practice
  • be supportive to all families
  • be accessible to all
  • speak for as many parents as possible

Visit the Rotherham Parent Carers Forum website