Support for Carers

If you are a carer and in need of support, you are not alone.

You can use Rotherham Gismo to find support where you live.

You can use Rotherhive to find support for your wellbeing and mental health.

The links below can help you find resources for support.

  • Beacon South Yorkshire - A free support service for family and friends who care for people with substance misuse, disabilities, mental health, dementia, or who are elderly. They have a weekly support group.
  • Crossroads Care Rotherham - A home care and carer support service, which allows carers to take a break from their caring role. They provide a free six-week course of emotional support which includes 30 hours of respite care. It also includes a weekly support group.
  • Making Space - A free service for one-to-one support for carers who care for someone with dementia. It can also point you to other helpful services. They provide Dementia cafes across the borough, with live music from Lost Chord with activities and guest speakers.
  • Sight and Sound Rotherham - A free service offering activities to support people with sensory loss. It also provides support for their carers.
  • Dementia cafes - Social opportunities for you and the person you care for to meet others in a positive and relaxing atmosphere. 


Contact the Adult Social Care Team

To find out more about adult social care services, request an assessment, or make an enquiry, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01709 822330

Armed Forces Day

Support for Veterans

For more information on support for veterans, members of the armed forces, and family members.

Visit Armed forces support