This page provides information about a wide variety of learning events for you to access, free of charge, to support you in your caring role.
We offer fully funded access to Grey Matter Learning, an e-learning platform dedicated to health and social care training courses, with over 100 courses available that you can do in your time and at your own pace. If you want to access any, please contact us and we can provide you with access information.
Subjects include:
- Dementia
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Dignity in Care
- Falls and Fracture Prevention
- Fire Safety
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Medication Awareness
- Mental Capacity Act
- Mental Health Awareness
- Person Centred Care
- Safeguarding Adults/Safeguarding Children/CSE
- Safeguarding Children
- Tissue Viability
- Domestic Abuse
- Autism
Health Related Training
We also offer a range of health-related training which has been identified by carers. These could include diabetes, tissue viability, continence, and mouth care. If there are any health-related topics you are interested in, please contact us.
For further information on how to access any of the training detailed below, please contact us at