Tackling Climate Change

Our climate change plan

We know that climate change is happening. In Rotherham we have seen the impacts of climate change, with devastating floods and heatwaves over recent years. Rotherham Council has committed to take steps to reduce the impact of climate change.

Our climate change plan

In 2019, we declared a Climate Emergency. We agreed a plan of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the council and the wider borough. We also set the following targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

  • the council’s greenhouse gas emissions to be net zero by 2030.
  • Rotherham-wide greenhouse gas emissions to be net zero by 2040.

Net zero greenhouse gas emissions means that we will aim to reduce our emissions as much as possible. Once we have done this, we will then consider balancing the amount of emissions we produce with the amount we remove from the air.

View our 2024/25 climate change action plan

A time for change 

This video was produced by young people in Rotherham who are campaigning for action on climate change.

Contact the climate change team