Priority 6: End rough sleeping in Rotherham
Why is this important?
No-one should have to sleep rough and it is therefore a priority to ensure that there is sufficient provision in place to provide effective support to anyone who finds themselves sleeping rough or where the prospect of rough sleeping is imminent.
Our aim is to build on what we have achieved so far by maintaining rough sleeping at a zero level by continuing to respond to emerging changes in Rotherham.
What we have done so far:
- We have reduced the number of rough sleepers from 16 reported in 2019 to 0 reported in November 2022 as part of the official rough sleeper count.
- We have been successful with Government funding bids and secured around £2,975,000.00 from the Rough Sleepers Initiative and Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme.
- We have developed the Rough Sleeper Initiative Team; this provides specialist roles to respond and support move on to safe accommodation.
- We have commissioned an 8-bedroom supported housing emergency accommodation hub, to enable a swift and effective response to get people off the streets.
- We have developed a digital initiative which is an alternative to the Just Giving scheme which enables the public to donate to a local charity rather than to hand money to people begging.
- We have carried out regular rough sleeper counts and responded to the needs of all rough sleepers that we have made contact with.
- We have provided Severe Weather Emergency accommodation.
- We have worked together with partners to deliver a community drop-in service, hosted by Shiloh, a local homelessness charity.
Over the next 3 years:
- We will continue to deliver effective services with our partners and continue to develop community drop ins.
- We will continue to work closely with the Community Protection and South Yorkshire Police, responding to emerging issues of street begging.
- We will improve our understanding of the nature and causes of rough sleeping in Rotherham.
- We will ensure there is a clear SWEP (Severe Weather Emergency Protocols) protocol and provision to respond to need.
- We will provide rapid rehousing solutions to households experiencing rough sleeping.
- We will work with commissioning colleagues and providers to strengthen the pathway into commissioned supported housing.
Impact Measures:
- There will be no rough sleepers in Rotherham.
- All rough sleepers are accommodated off the streets.