Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy
Data Sources Used
The Council's homelessness cases data – which are local homelessness statistics on statutory homelessness applications, duties, and outcomes including demographic data for all households that have approached the service.
The Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy Review 2022, this contains local data and forms part of the supporting documents.
Local Population Data – this is part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which is a Council-wide collaboration bringing together data to assess the health needs of the local population. Housing is a wider determinant of health and has a significant impact on the wellbeing of our residents.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment – a research study (carried out in 2018) that helps us understand the nature and level of housing demand in Rotherham.
Council housing demand data – the number of bids we receive on council homes demonstrates the demand for different sizes. It also informs us of the demographics of those on the Housing Register and their needs.
Government Department for Levelling Up Housing Communities Data – which are official statistics on statutory homelessness applications, duties, and outcomes for local authorities in England.
Homelessness Monitor 2022 (Crisis UK) – analysis of homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy developments within the UK.
Census 2022 – national demographic makeup from the Census completed in 2021.
The Health Foundation, Data Hub, What Drive Health Inequalities – includes the links between housing and health, trends and inequalities in housing across different groups.
Everybody In, How to End Homelessness in Britain by Crisis UK.