Council repairs: A guide for tenants and leaseholders

Repairs and Maintenance Services for tenants and leaseholders

The Council owns around 20,000 properties throughout the borough and is responsible for the repairs and maintenance of:

  • tenants and leaseholders homes
  • garages
  • communal areas
  • community centres
  • district heating boiler houses

Repairs and maintenance works are carried out by our two contract partners, Equans and Mears

  • Equans cover general repairs throughout the south of the borough and provide gas repairs for council tenants in all our areas.
  • Mears cover general repairs for the north of the borough and deal with larger repairs, fire damage, and structural works in all our areas.

We have a legal duty to repair and maintain our housing stock and we are committed to:

  • considering repair before renewal
  • keeping the structure and outside of our properties in good condition
  • keeping fixtures and fittings inside our homes in good condition
  • repairing any shared areas, garages, boiler houses and other areas

As a social housing landlord we work hard to make sure that we meet our duties under laws and policies such as Health and Safety laws, the Repairs and Maintenance policy, and the Damp, Mould, and Condensation policy