Season and Day Fishing permits for Rotherham Country Parks
Thrybergh Country Park fishing rules and regulations
The country park will be available from 06:00 am until one hour after sunset or 10:00 pm, whichever is earlier. Access to the dam wall is not available when the Nature Reserve is in operation.
ONLY 2 fish are allowed to be taken on each visit.
Anyone caught fishing in undesignated areas will have their season ticketed cancelled. No reimbursement for their season ticket will be given.
Bait fishing is not allowed. Lure only.
"Bottom Fishing" or the use of Bubble Floats, worms, maggots, or any kind of "Ground" bait is strictly prohibited and any person found infringing this rule shall (without prejudice to the Authority's rights under these regulations) has his/her current permit revoked, received no further permit to fish and may be liable to prosecution.
Lures to be a minimum of 6 inches long, exclusing hooks and fastenings.
All anglers to be in posession of a valid EU rod licence as well as a permit (season or day) issued by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
Fishing permits/day tickets and Rod Licences must be produced on request to any Council Rangers or Water Bailifs at the Country Park on production of their own documents. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council reserves the right to check anglers' bags and equipment at any time. Failure to allow this procedure to be carried out will result in an immediate ban.
Season permits, day permits, or fish, are not transferable.
A maximum per angler, of one lure rod to be used at any time, although others may be carried.
All hooks must be barbless or de barbed.
In the interest of pike welfare, no pike are to be chin lifted.
All anglers are to be in posession of long nosed pliers or similarily strong unhooking tool and a pair of strong hook cutters.
Landing nets and unhooking mats must be kept close to hand while fishing and used when landig and unhooking fish.
All fish to be returned alive to the water.
Anglers wishing to take fish must kill the first two caught.
Anglers should be aware at all times that the public have access to the Country Park and that they should take care when casting.
Anglers must book in (Visitor Centre/Cafe) prior to fishing and fill in a Catch return / Fishing Returns before leaving the site.
Anglers must not leave any litter of sort.
Anglers must not wade.
Anglers must not interfere with the valves, sluices or any other works, nor damage the fences, banks, hedges, or any other property of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
Gutting of fish on the bank is not permitted.
In the event of extreme weather e.g. iced over, the Manager or his delegated staff reserves the right to cancel fishing.
All persons shall observe the above regulations and without prior notice any amendments or other regulations that Rotherham Council may introduce from time to time for the preservation of fish, Wildlife, Purity of water, and management of the country park.
Boats are NOT allowed.
Float tubes are NOT allowed.
Open water swimming on the resevoir is on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.