The contents of the policy are derived from current Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council practices and policies, accepted best practice in the parking enforcement industry, and recommendations by The Traffic Penalty Tribunal.
In formulating this policy due regard has been paid to the Council’s Equalities and Diversity Policy, the Human Rights Act, Traffic Management Act and the Government’s Enforcement Concordat.
This policy is primarily concerned with:-
- Who can park a vehicle in a restricted area, and when they may do so.
- How challenges, representations and dispensations are dealt with and how the Council will endeavour to treat people fairly, equally and with respect, taking account of their personal circumstances, and in full accord with the Government’s enforcement concordat.
- The conduct of the Council’s staff and other representatives and the manner in which it undertakes the enforcement of parking (and other traffic) restrictions for which it has responsibility.
- Service standards that Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council will endeavour to adopt when carrying our enforcement and which are in addition to the normal accepted process.
It is impossible to provide specific guidelines to cover all circumstances and there will be occasions when the Council’s Appeals & Representations Officers will consider a case on its individual merits before reaching a decision