Traffic Management Policy
The majority of the Local Authorities in the Yorkshire and Humberside region jointly commissioned an external consultant to prepare a network management framework document. This document helped each local authority to comply with the requirements of the Network Management Duty, as contained within the Traffic Management Act 2004.
The main aims of the Network Management Duty are to reduce congestion and effectively manage the road network. The framework document helped to achieve this in Rotherham, and it helped to achieve a consistent approach throughout Yorkshire, most significantly on cross boundary roads.
It is the duty of the local traffic authority to:
“Secure the expeditious movement of traffic on the authority’s road network and facilitate the expeditious movement of traffic on neighbouring networks (traffic includes cyclists and pedestrians)” (Traffic Management Act 2004 – Network Management Duty).
Effective Traffic Management is the safe and efficient movement of people, services and goods on the highway network. Effective enforcement of Traffic Regulation Orders assists in this aim by ensuring that any class of traffic is able to move freely and safely. These aims are complementary to the main goals contained within the Network Management Duty and are embedded in the framework document.
Aims and benefits.
Main benefits of implementing sound traffic management principles coupled with enforcement under CPE are:
- Local authorities are able to ensure that parking policies are more effectively implemented and enforced, with consequent benefits in improved traffic and public transport flow, road safety, use of parking spaces and environmental benefits.
- The integration of enforcement and parking policy provides opportunities for better monitoring and use of enforcement, enabling it to become more responsive to public needs and the Authority’s requirements.
- Local Authorities can use the revenue received from penalty charges to fund enforcement and any surplus can be used for highways related projects.