Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) identifies that Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD's) add further detail and guidance to the policies in the Local Plan. The Council has adopted a suite of SPDs to support the Local Plan and they have been prepared in line with national planning policy and relevant legislation and regulations.
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1. Rotherham Town Centre (Adopted July 2016)
This sets out a vision for transforming Rotherham town centre. It provides guidance for proposed development within and on the edge of the town centre.
Read the full Rotherham Town Centre SPD
2. Air Quality and Emissions (Adopted June 2020)
This identifies when air quality assessments will be required, how these should be undertaken, and provides guidance on mitigation measures to offset potential effects of pollution upon health and the local environment.
Read the full Air Quality and Emmissions SPD
3. Development in The Green Belt (Adopted July 2023)
This provides guidance relevant to proposals which involve development within the Green Belt.
Read the Development in the Green Belt SPD
4. Householder Design Guidance (Adopted June 2020)
This sets out detailed advice and guidance on domestic household extensions.
Read the full Householder Design Guideance SPD
5. Equal and Healthy Communities (Adopted June 2020)
This provides guidance on how equality, health and wellbeing should be considered in the design of development. It also includes restrictions on the location of new hot food takeaways within 800 metres of schools and colleges.
Read the full Equal and Healthy Communities SPD
View the Equality and Healthy Communities checklist
6. Shop Front Design Guide (Adopted June 2020)
This provides guidance for retail and commercial units wishing to install or replace a shop front.
Read the full Shop Front Design Guide SPD
7. Town Centre Uses and Development (Adopted June 2020)
This sets out guidance to assist applicants when submitting planning applications for main town centre uses which require sequential and/or impact test assessments. It also sets out how policies relating to development within Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages will be implemented.
Read the full Town Centre uses and Developments SPD
8. Affordable Housing (Adopted June 2021)
This sets out additional guidance to assist developers on the delivery of affordable housing. It clarifies the Council’s approach and how it will seek to ensure appropriate provision of affordable housing in new developments. It also sets out how viability issues will be considered.
Read the full Affordable Housing SPD
9. Development Viability (Adopted June 2021)
This guidance sets out overarching principles that the Council, as the local planning authority, will apply in evaluating development viability as part of the planning application decision process.
Read the full Development Viability SPD
10. Community Facilities (Adopted June 2021)
This sets out guidance on how the Council will implement policies seeking to secure new community facility provision as part of new developments and protect against the loss of community facilities.
Read the full Community Facilities SPD
11. Natural Environment (Adopted June 2021)
This provides guidance to support developers in considering the natural environment, particularly wildlife habitats and species, and geology, within development proposals. It includes general principles, detailed advice regarding specific habitats and species, and ecological survey requirements.
Read the full Natural Environment SPD
12. Transport Assessments, Travel Plans and Parking Standards (Adopted June 2021)
This provides a guide for developers and applicants about the general principles applicable to parking and sustainable transport and how these are considered through the planning process. It sets out a methodology for preparing transport assessment, provides advice and guidance on the formulation of travel plans for all types of developments, and sets out parking standards for new developments.
Read the full Transport Assessments, Travel Plans and Parking Standards SPD
13. Developer Contributions (Adopted July 2023)
This guidance provides further detail and explanation of the Council’s policies on planning obligations and of the procedure for agreeing planning obligations following the adoption of Rotherham’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
Read the Developer Contributions SPD
14. Trees (Adopted July 2023)
This guidance provides general advice to support the protection and improvement of the borough’s tree stock and their growing environment. It will help applicants prepare and submit proposals that are mindful of the needs of trees and the many benefits they provide to the local area.
15. Preparing a Soils Strategy (Adopted July 2023)
This guidance provides support to developers when considering development proposals which involve works to soils. It will help applicants to prepare and submit proposals that are mindful of the impact of development on soils and their protection for biodiversity and geodiversity.