Additional planning guidance
Contaminated land
The Council has adopted guidance from the local Pollution Advisory Council, which now forms part of the decision-making process for planning applications. The guidance requires a contamination assessment to be submitted for most developments on contaminated land.
Flood risk and drainage
All Council's must consider flood risk when making decisions on planning applications. This allows us to limit risks for new and existing developments.
The Council’s Flood Risk Toolkit provides guidance on managing flood risk within the borough.
Guidance for developers is also available from the Environment Agency.
Read more guidance on National flood risk standing advice for local planning authorities.
The South Yorkshire Interim Local Guidance for Sustainable Drainage Systems provides minimum recommended standards for the development of sustainable drainage systems.
Read the South Yorkshire Interim Local Guidance for Sustainable Drainage Systems.
The Landscape Design Guide sets out design considerations which need to be addressed in the design and implementation of landscape schemes for small scale non-contentious development schemes.
Read the Landscape Design Guide
Urban design
The South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide complements and supports the policies in the Local Plans of all the local authorities in the South Yorkshire area. The Guide is set out to provide a clear and consistent approach to design throughout the Development Management process.
The aim of the guide is to create high quality design throughout neighbourhoods thus benefitting local communities and creating efficiency savings for developers.