Performance measures
Ref | Key performance indicators | Good is | Target 2022/23 |
EC01 | Proportion of working age population who are in work (or actively looking for work) in Rotherham | High | Achieve national average |
EC02a | Optimistic about the future: a) Proportion optimistic about the future of Rotherham as a place to live |
High | Greater than 57% |
EC02b | b) Proportion optimistic about the future of Rotherham town centre | High | Greater than 24% |
EC03 | Number of new businesses started with help from the Council | High | 60 |
EC04a | Actions taken in Rotherham to promote progressive and sustainable Economic Development: a) Survival rate of new businesses supported in RiDO Business Centres over the first three trading years |
High | 81% |
EC04b | b) Provide advice and support to local businesses to help them recover and grow | High | 500 |
EC05 | Number of engagements with libraries’ services which help people learn, acquire new skills or get a job | High | 100,000 |
EC06 | Proportion of new starter apprenticeships created within the Council | High | 1.5% of workforce |
EC07 | Number of online customer transactions | High | 185,400 |