Council Plan theme - Expanding economic opportunity

Year Ahead Delivery Plan 2024

Outcome:  A growing economy that provides decent jobs and chances to progress

Ref Activity

Timescales for completion

Lead officer Lead directorate Lead Cabinet Member
4.1 Deliver a programme of business workshops providing start-up advice and support to 150 attendees from both pre-start and new start businesses. Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportationt Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy

Provide 60 businesses with financial assistance to support investment. 

Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy

Produce a strategy to attract inward investment from the UK and beyond.


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 2)
Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy

Publish and launch Destination Management Plan for South Yorkshire and develop new governance arrangements to support the development of the Local Visitor Economy Partnership. 

(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 2)
Quarter 2 Assistant Director – Culture, Sport and Tourism Regeneration and Environment

Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy.


Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working.

Outcome: Delivering regeneration schemes that bring investment and opportunity, both in Rotherham town centre and in our towns and villages

Ref Activity

Timescales for completion

Lead officer Lead directorate Lead Cabinet Member
4.5 Opening the hotel, cinema and the first phase of eateries at Forge Island. Quarter 2 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation Regeneration & Environment

Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy.


Start construction of Riverside Gardens & Corporation St public realm works.

Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy

Acting as accountable body, monitor and support partners to deliver projects across Rotherham with funding secured by the Council including:


  • Wentworth Woodhouse
  • Maltby Skills Academy
  • Grimm and Co
  • Gulliver’s Skills Academy
  • Magna.
Quarter 3 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy
4.8 Progress redevelopment plans for Wath Library and Dinnington High St into detailed design and planning submission.  Quarter 3 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy
4.9 Complete demolition of 3-7 Corporation Street.  Quarter 3 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy

Complete the demolition of the guardian building to facilitate the further works to redevelop the new market and library building.

Quarter 3 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy
4.11 Start construction of the Templeborough Business Zone Project. Quarter 3 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy
See Towns and Villages fund action under Neighbourhoods Theme actions, which also contribute to this outcome.
In addition to the actions outlined above, there are a range of activities within the environment theme (Better transport systems for future generations) which will contribute to connecting people to economic opportunities.

Outcome: Working with partners and suppliers to create more local jobs, paid at the Real Living Wage or above, and apprenticeships

Ref Activity

Timescales for completion

Lead officer Lead directorate Lead Cabinet Member

Agree with Rotherham Together Partners an action plan to collectively drive the social value agenda. 


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 4)

Quarter 4

Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence

Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate Leader of the Council

Agree with Rotherham Together Partners a 12-month plan to increase the number of apprenticeships across the borough, through direct employment opportunities and through contracts.  


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 4)

Quarter 4

Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence

Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate Leader of the Council

Deliver against key priorities of the Council’s Social Value Policy, specifically:


  • Deliver Social Value Annual Conference with a focus on SMEs
  • Build the capacity of local SMEs through additional tailored support to 160 businesses receiving non-financial support, including one-to-ones and group sessions. 


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 4)
Quarter 4

Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation

Regeneration and Environment Leader of the Council

Publish for consultation a revised Local Plan Core Strategy Policy to consider social value in major planning decisions.


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 4)
Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport Regeneration and Environment Leader of the Council

Outcome: People having opportunities to learn, develop skills and fulfil their potential

Ref Activity

Timescales for completion

Lead officer Lead directorate Lead Cabinet Member

Through the new Employment Hub pathway and Employment Solutions Service, support a minimum of 750 people to access employment, (including training, education, apprenticeships, and paid employment).


(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 4)

Quarter 4

Strategic Director ACHPH


(joint Adults & Housing)
Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working.

Utilise the Children’s Capital of Culture programme to support skills development opportunities for young people e.g.:


  • Train and mentor at least 10 Young Artists in Residence
  • Recruit at least 80 16-to-25-year-olds to work as paid Trainee Young Producers
Support at least 200 young people to achieve Bronze and Silver Arts Award and train 24 Rotherham professionals as Arts Award Advisors.
Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Culture, Sport and Tourism Regeneration and Environment Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working.

Outcome: Strengthening digital infrastructure and skills which enable access for all

Ref Activity

Timescales for completion

Lead officer Lead directorate Lead Cabinet Member

Work with partners to deliver the Digital Inclusion Strategy as per the agreed action plan.  This will include rollout more free sim cards to digital excluded residents, along with devices and community-based training session (a minimum of 100 sessions during the year).


(Links to LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 6)

Quarter 4 Assistant Director, Customer, Information and Digital Finance and Customer Services Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities.  

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