Performance measures
Ref | Key performance indicators | Good is | Target 2022/23 |
PE01 | Number of people attending the Make Every Contact Count (MECC) training relating to health and wellbeing issues | High | 150 |
PE02 | The proportion of adults involved in a safeguarding enquiry who felt their personal outcomes were at least partially met | High | 97% |
PE03 | Proportion of new clients who receive short term (reablement) service in year with an outcome of no further requests made for support | High | 90% |
PE04 | Manage the number of new older adult admissions to long term residential care (aged 64+) | Measure for information | 300 |
PE05 | Proportion of council housing repairs completed ‘Right 1st time’ | High | 93% |
PE06 | Number of new homes delivered with Council support, including affordable homes | High | 200 |
PE07 | Proportion of council housing stock that meets the "Decent Homes" standard | High | 100% |
PE08 | Proportion of households prevented or relieved from homelessness | High | 85% |
PE09 | Number of households in temporary accommodation (both temporary accomodation and hotels) | Low | 130 |
PE10 | Total number of referrals to domestic abuse support services | Measure for information | No target |
PE11 | Engagement rate with Domestic Abuse support services (all services) |
High | 60% |
PE12 | Proportion of new claims for Housing Benefits and Council Tax Support dealt with within 14 days of receipt of all necessary information | High | 98% |