Year Ahead Delivery Plan 2024
Outcome: People have good mental health and physical wellbeing
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
2.1 | Develop a network of Infection Prevention and Control Champions and commission a programme of support to raise Infection prevention and control standards in care homes and reduce the impact of infectious disease outbreaks. | Quarter 3 | Director of Public Health | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health |
2.2 |
Review the impact of the mental health services redesign for residents. |
Quarter 4 | Director of Public Health | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health |
Outcome: People feel empowered, safe, and live independently for as long as possible
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
2.3 |
Launch the new Learning Disabilities Strategy which sets out Rotherham’s aspirations for people with a learning disability. |
Quarter 1 | Assistant Director of Adult Care and Integration | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health |
2.4 |
Start the building groundwork for Castle View Day Service which will provide new day opportunities for people with high support needs. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Adult Care and Integration | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health |
2.5 |
Launch the new All Age Autism Strategy which sets out aspirations for autistic people living and working in Rotherham. |
Quarter 1 | Assistant Director, Strategic Commissioning | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health |
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Member for Children and Young People |
2.6 | Implement an engagement forum where residents can co-design adult social care services to ensure their experiences shape the future delivery of services. | Quarter 1 | Assistant Director, Adult Care and Integration | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health |
2.7 |
Complete a review of the domestic abuse delivery model and set out next steps for Cabinet, following implementation in 2022. The review will include the lived experiences of victims and survivors accessing services. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director Community Safety & Street Scene | Regeneration and Environment |
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
Outcome: People can access affordable, decent housing
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
2.8 |
Agree a new Repairs and Maintenance Policy. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.9 |
Expand the Council’s temporary accommodation by at least 16 homes. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 a) |
Continue to deliver the Housing Growth Programme by: Acquire or build 150 new homes to increase council owned housing stock. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 b) |
Start groundwork on new homes in Canklow as part of a joint development with a new day opportunities centre, “Castle View”. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 c) |
Start groundwork on new homes at Eastwood. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 d) | Start groundwork on new homes at Maltby. | Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 e) |
Start groundwork on new homes at Swinton. | Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.10 f) |
Start groundwork on new homes at West Melton. | Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.11a) |
Hold targeted events to strengthen partnerships and promote opportunities for local housing investment and delivery:
An event focussed on securing a pipeline of future investment in new affordable homes through joint work with registered providers of social housing and Homes England.
(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 3) |
Quarter 2 | Assistant Director Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
2.11b) |
An event focussed on how private sector partners can contribute to the delivery of the Council’s Housing Delivery Programme and an opportunity to explore potential longer-term partnerships. (LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 3) |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director Housing | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for Housing |
Outcome: Inequalities are addressed and nobody is left behind
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
2.12 |
Delivery of the Council’s Local Council Tax Support Top Up scheme, providing up to £121.96 to working households in receipt of council tax support.
(The scheme will start from 1 April 2024, but will pick up all new applicants through to 31 March 2025). |
Quarter 4 |
Assistant Director Financial Service | Finance and Customer Services |
Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
2.13 |
Delivery of the Council’s Energy Crisis Support Scheme, providing up to £250 to households that are struggling to meet the cost of their energy bills. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director Financial Service | Finance and Customer Services |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance |
2.14 |
Provide food vouchers to children eligible for free school meals for school holidays through to October half term 2024, in line with the package of measures agreed through the Household Support Fund. |
Quarter 3 |
Assistant Director Education and Inclusion Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence |
Children and Young People’s Services Assistant Chief Executive Directorate |
Assistant Director Education and Inclusion Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence |