Council Plan theme - Every neighbourhood thriving

Performance measures

Ref Key performance indicators Good is Target 2024/25
NE01a Satisfaction with the borough and local area:
a) Proportion of public satisfied with Rotherham Borough as a place to live
High Greater than 62%
NE01b b) Proportion of the public satisfied with their local area as a place to live High Equal to or greater than 80%
NE02a Volunteering:
a) Number of staff involved in the council employee volunteer scheme to support local communities 
High No target
NE02b b) Number of volunteering opportunities for local people via the voluntary and community sector High 80 new volunteering placements
NE03a Anti-social behaviour
a) Number of community protection notices issued (anti-social behaviour, waste and noise)
High 1,000
NE03b b) Public perception of anti-social behavior 
(via the ‘Your Voice Counts’ quality survey)
Low Less than 43%
NE04a Hate crime:
a) Number of hate crime incidents
Measure for information No target
NE04b b) Proportion of positive outcomes to hate crime investigations  High  20%
NE05a) Proportion of the local road network classed as ‘green status’ (do not require repair) High  a) 79.4% principal
NE05b) Proportion of the local "non-principal" road network classed as ‘green status’ (do not require repair) High b) 77% non-principal
NE05c) Proportion of the local "unclassified" road network classed as ‘green status’ (do not require repair) High c) 64.9% unclassified
NE06a  Perceptions of feeling safe:
a) Proportion of public that feel safe when outside in their local area during the day
High  Greater than 90%
NE06b  b) Proportion of public that feel safe when outside in their local area after dark High  Greater than 56% 
NE07a Number of visits to culture, sport and tourism facilities (all population - cumulative) High  4,000,000 cumulative annual target
NE07b  Customer satisfaction with culture, sport and tourism services High  Greater than 90% across all services


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