Year Ahead Delivery Plan 2024
Outcome: Work with communities on the things that matter to them
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
1.1 |
Produce ward plans with ward priorities informed by local communities. |
Quarter 3 | Head of Neighbourhoods | Assistant Chief Executives | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood working. |
1.2 |
Complete phase 1 of the Local Neighbourhood Road Safety programme to design and implement new neighbourhood road safety measures in 13 wards (including 20mph limits in line with new RMBC 20mph policy):
(Also links to Neighbourhoods are welcoming and safe outcome) |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment |
1.3 |
Create a database of pavement parking hotspots, informed by requests from the public and Members, along with locations identified by the Council’s highways and parking teams. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment |
1.4a |
Design and implement new pedestrian crossings at: Upper Wortley Road |
Quarter 2 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport | Assistant Chief Executives | Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance |
1.4b | Design and implement new pedestrian crossings at: Cortonwood |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy. |
1.4c | Design and implement new pedestrian crossings at: Swallownest A57. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transport | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy. |
Outcome: Residents, organisations and businesses use their skills and resources to help others
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
1.5 |
Develop and deliver a phase 1 action plan that ensures the Council and its partners are maximising opportunities to join-up activities and initiatives in the three locality areas of the borough.
Quarter 4 | Head of Neighbourhoods | Assistant Chief Executives | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working. |
Outcome: Neighbourhoods are welcoming and safe
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
1.6 |
Deliver a full review of Public Space Protection Orders, ensuring that robust plans are in place to drive enforcement of any proposed conditions. |
Quarter 3 | Head of Neighbourhoods | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
1.7 |
Invest £3m to deliver the repair of unclassified roads and £1.2m to repair footways in the 2024-25 Highway Repair Programme. |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director Community Safety & Street Scene | Regeneration and Environment |
Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy. |
1.8 |
Develop a new Community Safety Strategy for 2025 – 2028. |
Quarter 3 | Assistant Director Community Safety & Street Scene | Regeneration & Environment |
Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
1.9 |
Complete the third phase of investment into the Boroughs CCTV equipment. Specifically, procure the additional software which will allow for viewing of all units via one system. (Action also links to people are safe, healthy and live well) |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Community Safety and Street Scene | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
Outcome: Local people have access to libraries, cultural activities, parks and green spaces
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
1.10 |
Deliver cultural events in varied locations and venues throughout the Borough, building on events such as:
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Culture, Sport and Tourism | Regeneration and Environment |
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working. |
1.11 |
Complete the restoration of Waterloo Kiln. |
Quarter 2 | Assistant Director, Culture, Sport and Tourism | Regeneration and Environment |
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion & Neighbourhood Working. |
Outcome: Local towns and villages are improved
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
1.12 |
Completion of the phase 1 £4m Towns and Villages Fund programme remaining schemes:
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation | Regeneration and Environment | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working. |
1.13 |
Develop and approve the schemes to be delivered as part of Our Places, focusing on improvement projects to key gateways into principal towns and villages, as well as the borough. |
Quarter 3 |
Assistant Director, Planning, Regeneration and Transportation | Regeneration and Environment | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working. |