Keeping adults safe from abuse

Types of abuse

  • Physical abuse - Such as hitting, kicking, punching, inappropriate restraint.
  • Domestic abuse - Such as abuse by a current or former partner or family member
  • Sexual abuse - Such as being made to take part in a sexual activity without consent.
  • Psychological and emotional abuse - Such as shouting, ridiculing, or bullying.
  • Financial or material abuse - Such as theft, fraud, misuse of someone else’s finances.
  • Organisational abuse - Such as poor treatment in a care setting.
  • Discriminatory abuse - Such as harassment based on age, gender, sexuality, disability, race, religion.
  • Mate crime - Such as when someone pretends to be a friend and then uses, manipulates or abuses the person.
  • Neglect and acts of omission - Such as failure to provide care or support.
  • Modern slavery - Such as human trafficking and forced labour.
  • Self-neglect - Such as declining essential care support needs.

Report a concern about an adult

If you are an adult who is being abused, or think you may be, please talk to someone you trust or contact us.