Provide feedback on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy (2024)

Priority 1: I have a voice and this is listened to and respected

We will build positive, trusting and respectful relationships with the children, young people and their families, ensuring that we listen to the lived experience and that their views help shape and form services.

As part of our delivery of this priority we will:

All planning is person centred

  • Support is planned and delivered in a way that works for the child or young person. It is balanced to include what is important to the individual.
  • Children, young people, and their families are involved in decision making in all matters that concern them and have greater choice and control over their support.

Information is available and accessible

  • Children, young people, and their families can find the information they need, are able to make informed choices and navigate the system easily from the earliest years to early adulthood.

Co-production with children, young people, and families

A wider and greater representation of children, young people and families are involved in strategic decision making and the coproduction of services, so that there is better fit between what children, young people and their families need and what is available.