Provide feedback on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy (2024)

Priority 6: I belong and feel valued

As part of our delivery of this priority we will:

Inclusive Education

  • All children have access to quality inclusive childcare to make an excellent start to their early education, development, and learning. All Rotherham education settings have an inclusive culture and children and young people receive the same high quality of offer, regardless of which school, college or setting they attend, regardless of where they live.

Accurate identification of needs and intervention in schools, colleges, and Early Years settings

  • Children and young people’s needs are identified accurately and there is early, evidence-based intervention to support them. Children, young people, and their families can access support and intervention without the need to wait for a formal diagnosis and without unnecessary delay.

Effective SEN support

  • SEN support is of an equal high standard across all education settings. Children and young people can attend their local education setting and feel confident that they will be fully included and have their needs met effectively. Children and young people’s talents and strengths are at the forefront of all discussions. All planning and support think about the future of the whole person, and positively builds upon the unique strengths, talents, and personality of the individual.

Joined up planning and support across education, health, and social care

Every service plays their part and children young people, and their families experience high quality planning and provision from the most appropriate teams and services.