Provide feedback on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy (2024)

Priority 3: I am supported to be as independent as possible and have a purposeful life

We will have high aspirations for children and young people supporting them to reach their full potential and be independent and prepared for adulthood.

As part of our delivery of this priority we will:

Preparing for adulthood from the earliest years

  • Children and young people are supported and encouraged to build on their strengths and be ambitious for their next steps and their future. Those who support, teach and care for children and young people maintain focus on life skills, experience, and independence so that children and young people have a direction and purpose beyond formal education.

High quality transitions

  • There is high quality, planned transitions between services, settings, and phases. Children and young people continue to progress at every move and are supported seamlessly by well thought out transitions, whether this is between services, settings, or phases.

Preparation for employment

  • Young people are well prepared for their next steps and education, training and opportunities leads to employability for more young people with SEND.

Meaningful opportunities beyond age 16

Education settings, training providers, and employers demonstrate their commitment to equality and inclusion and offer positive opportunities to more young people, valuing and appreciating individual’s differences and contributions.

This means there are more (both amount and variation) of opportunities available to young people and there is something purposeful for everyone. For many this will mean employment; but for others this will look different. The aim must remain that there is a meaningful option for everyone.