Rotherham East network improvements


We have received funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority through the City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement.

As a result of the proposals for Fitzwilliam Road and St Ann's Roundabout, we have been able to protect £4.6 million for additional ideas proposed by the community.

The funding requirements state that designs must: promote decarbonisation by providing improved options for public transport, walking, wheeling and cycling.

You can read more about the City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement and what this means for how we deliver below:

What we do - South Yorkshire MCA

In Rotherham, we want to provide everyone with a choice in how they travel. Ensuring car ownership is never a barrier to education or employment, our most vulnerable road users are well protected and comfortable, and children are able to stay safe whilst travelling independently. You can see how these proposals support our council priorities below:

Walking, wheeling and cycling stratergy