The banding system in Rotherham
1. What is the banding system at Rotherham?
If you are eligible for the housing register, you will be placed in either Band 1, 2, 3 ,4 or the Transfer Band depending on your level of need in accordance with the Council’s housing allocation policy.
Band 1 is the highest band and is for people who need to move urgently. Band 1 is assessed by our housing assessment panel. Applicants with Band 1 will be entitled to one offer of accommodation. When determining suitable areas the housing assessment panel will consider the property household size, the type and size of property and stock levels as well as turnover and demand, along with any support or educational/employment needs. Applicants can remain in Band 1 for three months. If there have been suitable properties advertised in the agreed areas and applicants do not bid, they will be removed from Band 1 and moved to Band 3 (non-council tenants), or the Transfer Band for current council tenants where one offer remains. The time limit reflects the urgency for people in this band to move.
Applicants in Band 2, 3, and 4 qualify for two offers in any area of Rotherham. If they refuse both offers their application will be cancelled and they will not qualify to go on the register for 12 months. Homeless applicants only receive one offer in Band 2.
2. What is the Transfer Band?
The Transfer Band is for current Council and Housing Association tenants who have had no breaches of their tenancy conditions in the past 12 months. The local Area Housing Officer will verify and confirm if a current Council tenant qualifies to transfer. Council tenants who want to move are required to register on the online mutual exchange scheme.
Register on the mutual exchange scheme
Applicants in the Transfer Band qualify for two offers in any area of Rotherham. If they refuse both these offers, their application will be cancelled and they will not qualify to go on the register for 12 months.