Look for a council home

How properties are advertised and allocated

1. How are properties allocated in Rotherham?

Council-owned properties in Rotherham are allocated to people in accordance with the Council’s housing allocation policy. Housing Associations use their own rules for deciding who is offered their properties. We will share information on the housing register with Housing Associations who advertise their properties on Keychoices. At the close of the advertising cycle a shortlist is produced of all applicants who have placed a bid. We will contact the successful applicant to verify their application when the property is ready for letting. All properties are required to meet the lettable standard and therefore timescales for keys to be returned can vary. Please be assured you will be contacted once the keys have been returned and there is no need to contact us.

2. How are properties advertised?

We have two letting cycles per week. Letting cycle 1 – Tuesday to Thursday and letting cycle 2 – Friday to Monday. To help you decide which properties are right for you the adverts tell you the details of the landlord, size, rent and other features of the property. The advert also tells you if there are any special requirements that the applicant must meet such as minimum age and which band will be given preference.

Our Lettable Standard

Find out how we ensure all council homes are safe, clean, and ready for new tenants with thorough safety checks, cleanliness, and maintenance.