What money can I get?

16/17 years old in Supported Accommodation

Allowance Entitlement
Personal allowance Yes - £57.90 per week.  Assessed as to how this is distrributed.
Setting up home grant Needs assessed and where possible should not be used.
Clothing As would be expected if in care setting
Birthday As would be expected if in our own care setting
Festival As would be expected if in our own care setting.
EET Equipment/Clothing From 16 to 19 Bursary - first then individual assessment
Travel/Bus Pass 16 - 19 - Bursary first Other - INdividually assessed
Hobbies/Interests Individually assessed - 
Passport First adult passport only
Driving License and upto 10 lessons From 17 and available up to age 21 - subject to assessment
Rent and support Paid directly to peoplecaring for you and then negotiated.