What is dementia and getting a diagnosis
It's normal for things like stress, tiredness, illnesses, and medicines to affect your memory. However, dementia is not a natural part of ageing. Dementia is not only about memory loss. It can also affect the way you speak, think, feel, and behave.
Some people with dementia need a lot of help. Others may not need help for a long time after they find out they have dementia.
If you are worried about dementia, talk to a doctor as soon as possible. They will assess you and can refer you to the Rotherham Memory Service. They are experts in diagnosing and supporting people with dementia, and their families.
You may be referred instead to the Young Onset Dementia Service (YODS) if you are under 65.
This video has been created by the Rotherham Memory Service to explain the referral process in Rotherham and what you can expect if you attend.