
What happens after being diagnosed with dementia

If you are diagnosed with dementia, you may be referred by the Rotherham Memory Service to the Dementia Enabling Service. This free service, from Crossroads Care, provides personal care assistance for people diagnosed and referred by the Memory Clinic. The amount of care provided is dependent on the person’s individual personal care plans. 

If you care for someone with dementia, you can also be referred by the Rotherham Memory Service for short-term flexible support. This free service is delivered by Crossroads Care and provides up to 30 hours of flexible support over a 10-week period for Carers. This can include advice and information, as well a replacement care service.

Contact the Adult Social Care Team

To find out more about adult social care services, request an assessment, or make an enquiry, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01709 822330