Report a problem with a property or empty home

Advice and guidance for empty property owners

Bringing empty properties back into use benefits the whole community; making neighbourhoods nicer places to live, helping to meet the demand for housing in the borough and supporting the growth of the local economy.

The following information can help empty property owners bring their property back into use without the need for Council intervention.

Please be aware that in situations where an empty property is causing a nuisance the Council may have a responsibility to take enforcement action such as an enforced sale, a compulsory purchase order or empty dwelling management order.

Council tax

An additional Council Tax empty property premium is charged for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for over 2 years dependant on the length of time they have been empty:

  • 100% empty property premium for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for over 2 years
  • 200% empty property premium for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for over 5 years
  • 300% empty property premium for properties that have been unoccupied and unfurnished for over 10 years

The following table provides an example of what the annual/monthly charge will be if you own an empty property that has been empty for over two, five and ten years.

Annual Council tax charge for a Band A property for 2024 to 2025

2024/2025 CT Charge 100% Premium if empty for 2 years 200% Premium if empty for 5 years 300% Premium if empty for 10 years
Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly
£1,434.82 £119.56 £2,869.64 £239.14 £4,304.46 £358.71 £5,739.28 £478.27